Youth Basketball Officials Training Program
Presented by Skyy 2 Win, MYBOA, and OneTeam
Instruction By Coaches Eric McLamb, Roger Andreas, Omar Sabah, and other distinguished guest trainers

Presented by Skyy 2 Win, MYBOA, and OneTeam
Instruction By Coaches Eric McLamb, Roger Andreas, Omar Sabah, and other distinguished guest trainers
MYBOA™, presented by the Skyy 2 Win Youth Foundation, focuses on the full spectrum of the game and sport of youth basketball. It takes into primary consideration the intrinsic values youth basketball sports programs aspire to impart.
MYBOA™ approaches youth referee training as a community partnership, bringing experienced basketball officials together with teenage youths, parents, coaches, assigners, league administrators and community leaders to ensure everyone is on the same page. Senior basketball officials certified by professional organizations such as IAABO, NBRA, NCAA and many others can learn to effectively apply their expertise to the younger leagues and thus serve as mentors for youth officials.
How he or she controls the game will always directly and indirectly affect the value of the experience all participants take away. In youth basketball, this can be extremely challenging because the official not only has to call the game but also call according to age/grade level, appropriately address any sporting issues with players, coaches or spectators, look for safety hazards, and many other things at one time.
The official’s best judgment and instincts must constantly evaluate the scene… all the while ensuring that the integrity of the game if maintained. This is the trademark of the MYBOATM official.
Skyy2Win presents MYBOA™ as a national model for all youth programs. It is anchored in partnership with youth sports programs in Howard County, Maryland and Baltimore City, working together to bring this experience to the greater metropolitan area. The program was created and is directed by Eric McLamb, a 40-year veteran coach, referee and league administrator who dedicated his full efforts to the youth experience the past 27 years
The MYBOA™ referee training package contains a customizable six-to-eight-session course outline, game rules for youth basketball, certificate of completion and certified basketball officials’ uniform patch, in addition to training aids online and in-person. It offers a complete package for communities seeking a high standard of basketball integrity and youth and community enrichment everywhere.
The following is a snapshot of the MYBOA™ Training Course.
Course Requirements:
1. Minimum Age: 13 years of age and 8th grade status as of January 1.
2. Attire: Solid black shorts or running pants (with pockets, no stripes), black T-shirt (no pocket), black running or tennis shoes, no-earrings or piercings, no watches, a flat object such as a coin or patch that will hold well in pants pockets, Fox 40 whistle (black), black lanyard. (Note: The league may opt to provide any of these, such as a shirt and/or whistles.)
3. Notebook or pad and pen or pencil.
4. All students must arrive at classes 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of class.
5. Students may miss one class if necessary, but must get what was missed from another student or attendee. There are no make-up classes.
6. Students must attend and participate in the on-court evaluation sessions at the end of the course. A positive valuation assessment will be required (based on standard novice or trainee standards).
7. Students must take and pass the final written exam with an 80% or better score. If 80% is not achieved, there will be a one-on-one review and retest. MYBOA’s goal is to help every student pass the course with an acceptable competency rating.
1. Current NFHS Basketball Rulebook.
2. Special training downloads and officiating guides.
3. Expert trainers with extensive officiating experience at all levels of the game.
4. MYBOA™ Certification certificate & patch upon successful graduation.
5. Referee scheduling placement through the Skyy2Win Youth Sports Partnership Network.
Course Elements:
1. Active on-court training at all sessions, that includes. a. Study and application of the Rules of the Game:
Intent of the rules … Best judgment … Most misunderstood rules. b. Proper use of hand signals proper application of court mechanics.
Positioning … Switching and short switches vs. long switches … Tip-off and free- throws … Inbounding, period breaks … Pre-game, post-game.
c. Running, how-to run and observe, (Always HUSTLE!). BLOW YOUR WHISTLE!
d. Working with your partner … always know where your partner is … SUPPORT!
Youth Basketball Emphasis:
Understanding levels of development and calling accordingly … peer pressure and self- esteem … dealing with the coaches … helping developmental youth understand the game by your calls … insight, compassion and understanding … professional execution … understanding the interrelationships at play … preventive officiating.
Eric McLamb founded MYBOA™ in 2014 to bring special attention to the essentials of youth basketball officiating at all levels while providing professional opportunities for youth and adults as referees of the sport. Mr. McLamb has over 45 years of basketball officiating experience, achieving his first certification as a basketball referee in 1973 from the Carolina Basketball Referees Association at UNC – Chapel Hill where he refereed intramural basketball.
Over the next two decades, McLamb would referee high school, youth and junior college basketball in Wilmington, NC, the Greenville-Spartanburg, SC market and Atlanta before moving to Maryland in 1987 where he started his family. Since 1995, McLamb volunteered and worked with numerous area organizations including Howard County Youth Program (HCYP), Western Howard County Basketball Association, Baltimore City Recreation & Parks, Howard County Recreation & Parks, and indigenous Baltimore County youth leagues, among others.
McLamb focuses on the deeper underpinnings of basketball officiating to help them understand and apply the values being imprinted on the players, their coaches and spectators, all of whom combine together to implements the sport of basketball.
Roger Andreas is a veteran youth basketball coach, commissioner and graduate of the MYBOA™ training program who has been officiating youth basketball since 2011. He has served with HCYP Basketball as a coach, commissioner and basketball referee, as well as having officiated youth basketball games Baltimore City’s Neighborhood Basketball League (BNBL) and the Baltimore City elementary and middle school leagues organized by NewFit Organization in association with Baltimore City Schools. Mr. Andreas also is director of the Howard County Catholic Youth Basketball League as a member of the Resurrection Parish.
Omar Sabah is the Founder and operator of OneTeam Officiating which handles referee assignments for multiple sports throughout the Baltimore-DC metro area including Howard, Baltimore, Arundel and Montgomery Counties in addition to Baltimore City. Mr. Sabah has over 30 years of basketball referee experience and basketball referee assigning, having officiated all levels of youth basketball throughout the Metro Baltimore-DC area including the Maryland State High School Championships in Baltimore. He is currently a member in good standing with IAABO (International Association of Approved Basketball Officals) Board 290 (Baltimore City). His organization, OneTeam, is currently assigning basketball referees for youth leagues in Howard County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Montgomery County, and area travel basketball tournaments.